20 March 2024

Transition to Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)

With effect from 1st April 2024, PAVE, a registered Society, has transited to PAVE Integrated Services Ltd, a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG). The nature of our charitable objectives, vision and mission remains unchanged and there was no disruption of service during the transition.

Our new entity, PAVE Integrated Services Ltd (UEN: 202344076M), is a registered charity and has obtained the Institution of a Public Character (IPC) status.

The following sections outlines the details for this change and answers some queries that you may have.


  1. What is Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)?

A Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) is a public limited company that carries out non-profit making activities of national or public interest such as charity work.

CLG is registered with ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore) and governed by the Companies Act. A CLG may obtain charity & IPC status.

CLG does not have a share capital which limits the member’s liability to the amount which they undertake to contribute to the company’s assets as specified in the constitution. CLG is not allowed to distribute profits in the form of dividends, bonuses or otherwise to its members. Any surplus is retained within the company.

  1. What is the reason(s) for the transition?

Being a CLG allows PAVE to put in place a more formal and commonly recognised organisational structure. PAVE is a separate legal entity that is distinct from the individuals who are involved in it.

  1. When will the transition take place?

The transition has taken place on 1st April 2024. All contracts, invoices, donations and official correspondence should be addressed to PAVE Integrated Services Ltd.

  1. What will happen to my personal data?

All the personal data previously collected by PAVE have been transferred to our new entity, PAVE Integrated Services Ltd. We will continue to protect and use the personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

  1. Will there be any changes to the contact information i.e. email & phone number?

There is no change to our contact information. You may continue to reach us at our current address, email and phone numbers listed on our website (www.pave.org.sg).


  1. How do I donate during this transition?

From 1st April 2024, donations should be addressed to PAVE Integrated Services Ltd. Donations are accepted via several methods:

  1. Online platforms (Giving.SG)
  2. PayNow to UEN No. 202344076M
  3. Bank Transfer

Bank Name: DBS Bank

DBS Account Name: PAVE Integrated Services Ltd

DBS Account No.: 0721131781

*For donation via PayNow or bank transfer, please visit our website to provide your details to be eligible for tax-deductible receipt.

  1. Will I still be entitled to tax deductions for my donations?

PAVE Integrated Services Ltd is a registered charity and has obtained the IPC status. Hence, all qualifying donations continues to receive a 250% tax deduction.

  1. Will the transition affect how donations are utilised?

There is no material change to how the donations are used. Our financial statements and annual reports remain published on our website for public scrutiny.

  1. What should I do if I accidentally donate to the old entity, PAVE?

All donations made to PAVE have been transferred to the new entity, PAVE Integrated Services Ltd. No action is required on your part.

  1. Can I continue my monthly donation in Giving.SG platform?

Effective 1st April 2024, all donations made through PAVE Giving.SG platform page have been closed and are redirected to PAVE Integrated Services Ltd. Donors donating on a recurring basis through this platform are strongly encouraged to continue contributing to the new entity.


  1. Will the existing contracts and outstanding payments be affected?

A novation letter has been sent via email to existing vendors to novate the existing contracts and agreements. All terms and conditions, obligations and entitlements of the existing contracts and agreements remain unchanged.

  1. What should I do if my company requires a new agreement / contract to be signed?

For services that starts after 1st April 2024, a new service agreement / contract will be signed through the new entity.

For current agreements / contracts, you would have received a novation letter from us. Please reach out to us directly should you have further enquiries.

  1. Who should I invoice after 1st April 2024?

Please invoice to PAVE Integrated Services Ltd. Our address remains unchanged.

  1. What should I do if I issue an invoice to the wrong entity?

Our admin personnel will contact you to re-issue the invoice addressed to PAVE Integrated Services Ltd.

  1. Will there be a delay in payment due to this transition?

We will do our best to ensure that payment reaches you in time during the transition. For GIRO payment, our admin personnel will notify you on the changes.


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